This document applies to “cookies” and refers to the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), operated by S&T Magdalena Ratajczak (hereinafter referred to as “S&T”) with its registered office in Nowy Folwark.

S&T’s right to store and access “cookies” results from the consent expressed by the Guest, i.e. the person visiting the Website. The consent in question is expressed when configuring the web browser used to browse the pages of the Website and use the services provided on them. The visitor has the option of configuring the settings for “cookies” at any time and specifying the conditions for storing or accessing this information by S&T.

Information about the use of “cookies” is displayed after entering the website

What are “cookies”:

“Cookies” are text files, IT data stored on the devices of Website Visitors, such as computers, mobile phones and tablets, intended for using websites. They allow e.g. identify the type of the Visitor’s device and display websites tailored to individual preferences. “Cookies” usually contain the website address, storage time on the visitor’s device and their own unique identifier.

  1. For what purpose are “cookies” used:

Cookies are used to:

  1. What exactly “cookies” are used and how they can be removed:

Session (temporary) and permanent cookies are used.

Cookies used by partners S&T are subject to their own privacy policy.

The software used to browse websites by default allows the placement of “cookies” on the end device (computer, mobile phone). The visitor can properly configure the web browser to block the automatic acceptance of “cookies” or to obtain information each time a file is sent to his device or to define the time of their storage. Appropriate information on the use of “cookies” and possible configurations is available in the web browser settings. 

The level of restrictions on the use of “cookies” may affect the availability and functionalities offered on the Website, until the possibility of its proper use is blocked. In the case of services made available on the Website by S&T, acceptance of “cookies” is required for the proper use of them by Guests.

Defining the rules for the use of “cookies” in the web browser may also affect the possibility of using other websites that use “cookies”. The visitor should pay special attention to whether, when defining the parameters of “cookies” in the browser, he does it globally (for all websites) or only for the website

  1. Cookies and personal data:

As a rule, “cookies” in themselves do not constitute personal data. However, certain information stored in “cookies” in combination with other information about the Visitor may be treated as personal data. Personal data collected using “cookies” may be collected only for the purpose of performing specific functions and activities for the Guest. Such data is encrypted in a way that prevents access to it by unauthorized persons.

  1. Additional information:

S&T reserves that the Website may contain links and information enabling Guests to directly reach other websites and services. S&T has no influence on the policy of using “cookies” conducted by the administrators of these websites and is not responsible for them, unless otherwise indicated. It is suggested that before using the resources offered by them, guests should read the rules for the use of “cookies”, if any, and in the absence of them, contact the administrator of a given website to obtain information on this subject.